Data Privacy Information


St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church Vestry (Charity, No. SC001750) is responsible for processing and safeguarding the personal information we hold about you.  In addition, the Clergy of St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church is responsible for processing any personal information they hold about you, for example, information gathered in preparation for a marriage, baptism or funeral.   

St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church vestry will hold information about you if, for example, you are on our adherents’ roll, if you give financially to the church via gift aid or giving envelopes or if you are the key contact for an external organisation using the premises. We will hold and use this information in compliance with its obligations under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation.

For more information on how St Mary’s looks after your privacy and protects your information, please do one of the following:

  1. see our extended Privacy Notice by clicking here:
  2. request a paper copy of our Privacy Notice by contacting the Vestry Secretary or the Clergy at St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, DD5 1AJ
  3. pick up a paper copy of our Privacy Notice from the church.


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